Herts Mandarin Terms and Conditions

Fees and Payment

1.1 The Parent must pay the full Fee before the Pupil begins the Course.

1.2 The Fee is non-refundable unless Herts Mandarin provides prior written consent, except if the child attends the first class and notifies Herts Mandarin within 24 hours of their intent not to continue. In that case, the full fee will be refunded within 7 days.

1.3 No refunds will be issued if classes are canceled due to "Acts of God," strikes, terrorist activities, or if local authorities require temporary suspension.


2.1 If Herts Mandarin cancels the Course before it starts, any paid fees will be refunded within 7 days.

2.2 The Parents acknowledge that sessions must be attended to consecutively.

Parent's Responsibility

The Parent guarantees that:

3.1 All information on the Enrolment Form is accurate and will promptly notify Herts Mandarin of any changes.

3.2 Neither the Pupil nor the Parent will attend with any contagious illnesses.

3.3 The Parent indemnifies Herts Mandarin against any loss, liability, costs, or expenses incurred due to their actions or inactions.


4.1 Herts Mandarin reserves the right to exclude a Pupil for unacceptable behavior.

4.2 Herts Mandarin will define what constitutes unacceptable behavior.

Parental Consent for Images

5.1 Herts Mandarin may use your child’s image in school displays, assessments, printed materials, or on our website and other communications.

For inquiries, contact: 07928717162 or hertsmandarin@gmail.com


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